vs.net references wrong dll



If I set the assembly version numbers to 1.0.*, and do a rebuild on a
solution, the dll's say they're referencing the new versions. I'm
getting errors in the webpage saying it can't find the dll with the
version number. If I open the dll with ildasm.exe and look at the
version in the dll's manifest file that it's trying to reference, it's
the wrong version. If I close vs.net, open it, and recompile the
solution, it picks up the right version.

Is this a bug in vs.net 2003? Or is there a way to have it pick up the
right dll's on a build?


I figure this out. Looks like it's a vs.net 2003 bug.

If you change the assembly from static to dynamic, i.e. from to
1.0.*, and recompile, the changes don't get picked up, and never will.
If you close the solution and reopen, recompile, the changes will
always get picked up.

For some reason, it only works if the solution was opened with the
assembly version being dynamic.

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