VS 2005 'Go to definition' (F12) with file references



We just switched from vs 2003 to vs 2005. We have a large number of
projects in the solution. So to make it easier on everyone we use file
references instead of project references. The biggest issue so far that
I have with 2005 is that if file references are used then the "Go to
definition" command only is able to bring up the "metadata" interface
file. However, if project references are used then the "Go to
definition" command is able to open up the source file in the solution.
This feature always worked in vs2003. What happened? It is a critical
feature for quick code navigation. By the way the "Object Browser" is
able to load the code in the editor even if file references are used.
Is this a bug, a known issue, does anyone know?


This also happens in ASP.NET projects when you have objects defined in
subfolders. A common example is to have a "Controls" subfolder where
you define User Controls. In VS2005, if you have a reference to such a
User Control on a page, and you "Go to definition" for a public member
of the control referenced in the page, it goes to the metadata. VERY

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