vpn resources access




I have a vpn server running windows 2000, There are 2
machines that are not having access to the domain. They
are using diul-up access to the vpn through a modem
internet connection. If I click on the domain it
says "the list of servers for this workgroup is not
currently available", If I put the name of the server in
the bar that is on the top like this //celtek-server, then
I can see the shared files and everything, and the most
strange thing is that when i got the vpn connected, then
my explorer can not find the pages and my messenger is not
working anymore.

Can someone help me, please??????

Thanks in advance,
Diana Milena.

Bill Grant

A VPN connection is simply an IP connection. It does not work like a LAN
connection. In particular, it does not send or receive LAN broadcasts. If
your LAN is using broadcasts for name resolution and browsing, these will
not be available to remote clients.

On the other matter, a VPN client will send ALL non-local traffic to the
VPN server by default. To retain your default route to the Internet on the
client, you need to clear the "Use default gateway .. " box in the client's
connection properties (Advanced TCP/IP settings).

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