


I was trying a vlookup formula for comparing 2 sets of values. I tried to
check if there was anything missing by deleting all columns leaving only 1
column in both worksheets - source and destination. If I have only 1 column,
the formula works properly. Following is the formula given.

=vlookup(a1, sheet1!$a$1:$a$4,1,0)

The erros is given if I change this to =vlookup(a, sheet1!$a$1:$b$4,2,0)
after I insert on column in the source data.

Is there something missing or is there any corruption? I have worked on
vlookup on the same computer for at least 3 years now. The error has started
very recently. A system administrator regularly scans my computer for any
virus threats.

I will appreciate if anyone can help.

Thanks and best regards.


Assuming the omission of "1" (in "vlookup(a1...") of your changed formula is
just a typo, I don't see a problem. What error are you getting? What data do
you have in sheet1!$a$1:$a$4 and what lookup value in a1?


Dear Stephen,

Thanks for your early reply. I am giving below the data I was using.

Sheet 1:
1 345
2 123
3 478

Sheet 2:
1 123
2 345
3 421

Normally, if I use vlookup, Cell A3 of sheet 2 should give an error "N/A". I
works fine with only single column in both sheets but if there are more than
one column, vlookup does not work. I feel there could be some problem other
than the formula writing.

The vlookup even works fine in other computers (you can check it on yours!).
That is the reason I feel there is something wrong in excel settings on my
computer. Is it possible for such an error to occur?

Best regards.


Dear Dave,

Thanks for your early reply.

I feel the problem is with the software and not with writing the formula.

I am checking the URL you have sent for troubleshooting.

Best regards.

Dave Peterson

Everybody thinks that until they see that they made a mistake--either in the
formula or in the data!
Dear Dave,

Thanks for your early reply.

I feel the problem is with the software and not with writing the formula.

I am checking the URL you have sent for troubleshooting.

Best regards.

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