VLOOKUP to return Cell Address


Steve Haack

I have a table, and I want to do a Vlookup on Column1, and when I find what I
am looking for, I want to sum column 2 from that row down to the bottom of
the table.

For example,
Item 1 2345
Item 2 3478
Item 3 1298
Item 4 123
Item 5 1233

I want to find "Item 3" and then I want to be able to return the sum of

How would I do this? My thoughts were that I would do a lookup to get the
row numner of "Item 3" and then do a sum() with the cell range starting from
the row where I found "Item 3" but I'm not sure how to do that.


Mike H


I may have overdone this, i'm sure there's a simpler solution but in the
meantime try this

=SUM(INDIRECT("B" & MATCH("item 3",A:A) &":B"& MATCH(LOOKUP(10^99,B:B),B:B)))


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Bernard Liengme

I put you data in A1:B5
In G1 I type: Item3
In H1 I used formula: =ADDRESS(MATCH(G1,A:A,0),2) which returned $B$3
In I1 I used formula: =SUM(INDIRECT(H1&":B100")) which retuned 2654 as

It would be easy to combine H1 and I1
What if your data began in row 3, for example? Formula in H1 returns $B$5
and all is well
best wishes

T. Valko

Try this...

Data in the range A2:B6

D2 = lookup value = Item 3


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