VLOOKUP Running off a data list



I have encountered a problem regarding a formula I have.

I have a nested if statement running off a data list (from a data
validation drop down menu) which contains VLOOKUPS.

When I use the 'Evaluate Formula' tool the statement is able to return
the correct values depending on the different criteria selected in the
data validation drop down menu. However in the worksheet it keeps
returning the same value!

The formula is as follows:

=IF(C25="1st Audit",VLOOKUP(C4,Audits!D:I,4,0),IF(C25="2nd

P.S. C4 = A unique store name

Any ideas why when I select the different options from the drop down
menu 1st Audit or 2nd Audit or Annual it returns the same value?

Is this a problem anyone has come across before working with VLOOKUPS
running off a list that you change?

Any help would be appreciated. I am completely stumped!

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