Vlookup returning Hyperlinks



I am building a customer specification "database" using pull down menus.
When I select a customer, my functions pull the information from another
worksheet and return the correct values. In my table array I have a
hyperlinked sheet within the workbook, that I want returned on my
"Information" sheet. Is there a way to have the vlookup function return the
valued hyperlinked?


You might try the HYPERLINK function on the vlookup...for example:

=HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(A1,D1:E100,2,FALSE),"Click here for more customer


While this is a clever use of the function and it would prove useful in other
areas, it didn't solve my scenario. When using the hyperlink function, you
have to supply the hyperlink in your function line. I don't see how to
hyperlink the vlookup return to another worksheet in the workbook. For

Sheet1 = Customer Information (this is where are the information is
displayed for the user)
Sheet2 = Customer Defaults (this is all the vlookup and pulldown information
used to supply the returns on Sheet1
Sheet3-20 = Customer Specifics (these sheets have all the customer
specifics, including forms specific to each customer

Now, on sheet 1 I have pull downs that select the customer and pulls all the
information on that customer from sheet 2. I have an area on sheet 1 that is
for customer documentation that is found on sheet 3-20. So what I've done,
is put a link on the table on sheet 2 to the relative customer sheet, 3-20.
When I select "X" customer I want that hyperlink on sheet two, to come up on
sheet 1. Thus, when the user clicks on the link on sheet 1, it pulls up its
respective sheet, 3-20.

Simplified setup of example of Sheet 1
Customer Pulldown

Customer Address:

Customer Documentation
(link from sheet2, which is linked to one of sheet 3-20)

Simplied setup of example of Sheet2
Table of defaults
Customer - Code - Address - Phone - Link to Sheet 3-20

Simplified setup of example of Sheet3
Shipping Method:
Customer Documentation
Part Specifics (Hyperlinked to another file, .xls, .dwg., .pdf, etc.)
Print (Hyperlinked to another file, .xls, .dwg., .pdf, etc.)

Thanks for your suggestions and help!!!


This actually was semi helpful to my problem. Is there a way to do this with
embedded hyperlinks?


My problem is similar to the original poster, Shannon, issue. I have two
drop down menues for the ultimate use to select. There are 13 possible
results once the user selects from both menues, of which only one is a Web

In the table where the results reside I have formatted the Web Address
column so that the hyperlinks work there but that tab is to be hidden.

Can this be done? I have several thousand users depending on me for this



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