VLOOKUP question



In Excel I have a list of names of all users (list1) , and also a list of
other names (list2). I have to compare who from the list2 is on the list1.How
to do that?

M Kan

Are the name spellings consistant? If you need to do a simple compare, use a
COUNTIF to compare. Anything with a count >0 is on the other list. If you
need to compare and then pull in addtional data, use a VLOOKUP paired with an
IF(ISERROR) combo.

Dave Peterson

Say your lists are on Sheet1 and sheet2 in column A.

You could put a formula in B1 of sheet1 to check to see if the entry in A1 is in
Sheet2 column A:

and drag down.

Same kind of thing with B1 of sheet2:

You may want to look at Chip Pearson's site. He has lots of techniques to work
with duplicates:

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