VLOOKUP Question



I'm having trouble getting the VLOOKUP function to work.

=VLOOKUP(LEFT(C2,2),'Expense Categories'!B2:C11,2)

Basically, I have a four digit string in column C. I want to match the first
two digits against the two digit numbers I have in Table B2:C11 on another
sheet, then have it return the text string in the second column of that table.

Right now, I keep getting "#N/A" no matter what I do. I've tried changing
the cell formats from text to number to general and still N/A. What am I
doing wrong here?



I don't know what your data looks like, but I did a little experimenting, and
this formula worked for me:

=VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(C2,2)),'Expense Categories'!$B$2:$C$11,2)

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