Vlookup Question



Okay, I've asked this question before... but I'm still unclear on the solution.

I have a list of part numbers in Column A on Sheet1, I would like to be able
to do an exact match Vlookup with Column B on Sheet 2.

When there is a match, I would like to have the matches generated in column
A of Sheet 3, but in addition to this, if there is a match, I would like the
columns B,C,D,E & F from sheet 2 also populate along with the matching part
number on Sheet 3. When I asked this question before, I was told to just use
Vlookup for the additional data, I have the part numbers only in Sheet 1, no
other columns worth of data to match against Sheet 2. Can anyone Help??


L. Howard Kittle

If I understand correctly, try this.

On sheet 3 select cells B1:F1. While still selected type in this formula.



You can now select B1:F1 and pull down and you should have the part numbers
from sheet 1 in column B of sheet 3 and the stuff in columns C, D, E, and F
of sheet 2 next to their part numbers on 3.

If you can't make this work, send me a sample work book and I will see what
I can do.



This is closer to what I am trying to get but I got all #N/A's; any


L. Howard Kittle

Okay, I believe I gave you some bad info. After I rechecked my test results
of what I thought you were after, I see that the pull down did not advance
the lookup value cell on sheet 1. It remained A1. Not sure why??

The #N/A means the lookup value is not matched. May look the same but could
have leading/trailing spaces and such. Since it's part numbers then I don't
suspect a non match because of a .9999 value showing up as a 1 and therefore
not match.

Send me a sample workbook of your data and I will give it a go. 'splain
again what you are after in some detail in the email.


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