Vlookup or Hlookup help



I have a worksheet that has names in column 1, and columns 2 - 13 are the
months. I want to create a formula to move the values in columns 2 - 13 to
another sheet based on the month.


Bernard Liengme

Sheet 1, row 1 has labels: name, Jan, Feb, mar
A2:A20 has some names
B2:M20 has numbers

Sheet 2 in A2 I enter a name, in B2 I enter a date,
in C2 I enter =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A1:M20,MONTH(Sheet2!B2)+1,FALSE)

So if B2 is Fred and the date in some time in March, the formula find Fred;
row on Sheet1 and takes from the 4th column Fred's March data

best wishes


That's closer than I got, but it's still not working as I would like.
Here's exactly what I have - maybe what I want isn't possible or maybe I
need to add a nested If statement or something...

Sheet 1 - row 1 has data labels for each month (Jan - Dec)
Column A = Employee #, B = Name, C = GL Account #, D through O = amounts for
each month

Sheet 2 - row 2 Columns A through C are the same as on Sheet 1
Column D I would like to populate based on the month value that I enter in
B1 on Sheet 2.

Using your formula only works if I change the + 1 to + 4, for example since
it starts in column 4, but I can't get it to update based on the value I
type in B1 on Sheet 2

Thanks again for the quick reply.

Bernard Liengme

If this does not work, email me a file --- remove TRUENORTH.
best wishes

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