VLookup only calling one cell



I am trying to use vlookup to search for a temperature within the following
data and return the corresponding "hot" or "cold."

t1 t2 stream
20 135 cold
170 60 hot
150 80 cold
50 140 hot


T Ti
170 hot
150 cold
140 cold
135 cold
80 cold
60 cold
50 cold
20 cold

After the first temperature (170), the formula is only returning the
top"cold" (C3) within the above table. Here is my formula:

Is there something about the vlookup function I am missing? Any help is
much appreciated, thank you.


vlookup has an optional fourth parameter to specify an exact match versus an
approximate match

vlookup will attempt to match A8 to A2:A5 and return the corresponding value
from column C. I notice some of the values in your table are in column B -
vlookup won't match A8 to column B with the formula as it is written. If
that is your intent, you could try

=If(IsNumber(Match(A8,A2:A5,0)), Vlookup(A8, A2:C5, 3, False), Vlookup(A8,
B2:C5, 2, False))

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