VLookUp in VBA



Using Excel 2003, is there a way to use the =Vlookup worksheet function in a
macro? (VBA code). I've tried

dim resultt as string

and all I get is a "sub or function not defined" message.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Dave Peterson

Dim Res as variant 'could be an error
dim myVal as variant 'string or long or double or ???
dim LookUpRng as range

with activesheet
set lookuprng = .range("a1:ab545")
end with

myVal = "02111" 'not 2111???

res = application.vlookup(myval, lookuprng, 3, false)

if iserror(res) then
msgbox "No match"
msgbox res
end if


thanks for responding

"02111" is in quotes because in the worksheet the value to be looked up is
number stored as a text string, therefore "02111"

but you've answered my question, got it to work....thank you for your help

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