VLOOKUP/IF statement problem



In customer worksheet (Movies), I have a rating such as R 18, R 15..I
J9 is customer name....In worksheet 3 (Customers) I have cust #
Customer name and AGE ( Based on =DATEDIF(D2,NOW(),"y") DOB in Cell
D)...Going back to worksheet one I have assigned a cell called chec
ID...Now what I am trying to achieve is Vlookup that persons date o
birth which corrosponds with their name then if it is <18 due to th
Rating being R 18, it would leave a message called "Check ID" otherwis
"OK" furthermore, if that persons age is <15 when the Rating is R1
then "Check ID" or "OK"...I have tried various ways but my head hurt



One way ..

Assuming the set-up is

In Sheet: Movies
In cols A and B
data from row2 down

Title Rating
Movie1 R18
Movie2 R15
Movie3 R18

In Sheet: Cust
In cols B and C
data from row2 down

Name Age
Cust1 19
Cust2 11
Cust3 17

In Sheet1
The customer's name is input in A2
and the movie's name is input in B2

Put in say C2:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,Cust!B:B,0)),"No such
Cust",IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,Movies!A:A,0)),"No such
C$1,MATCH(A2,Cust!B:B,0)-1,)<18),"Check ID","OK"))))

C2 will return the desired result, i.e. "Check ID" or "OK"
depending on the inputs made in A2 and B2

Error Traps
Unmatched customer name or movie name will be indicated
as "No such Cust" and "No such movie" accordingly

If *both* customer name or movie name are unmatched,
the unmatched customer name takes precedence
and C2 will return "No such Cust"


Perhaps it's better to wrap a TRIM() around the look-up cells to improve
in matching the inputs in A2 and B2 in Sheet1 ..

So, replace the formula in C2 with:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(TRIM(A2),Cust!B:B,0)),"No such
Cust",IF(ISNA(MATCH(TRIM(B2),Movies!A:A,0)),"No such
Cust!$C$1,MATCH(TRIM(A2),Cust!B:B,0)-1,)<18),"Check ID","OK"))))


Thanks so much for your reply but that went over my head..lol..

Ok here goes best as I can..

I sheet 1 column G I have ratings...In sheet 1 column J I have custome

In sheet 3 Column B I have customer names. In Column C, I have thei
ages and in column D their date of birth..

Now, great formula but it threw me..I want to check their Date of birt
or age and return an "OK" if over 18 when Renting R 15 or R 18 or Chec
ID, if their birth date is under 18 or under 15...It is my last piec
of my jigsaw...Thank


ok, hope I've read you correctly ..

In Sheet1
Col G = Ratings (i.e. R15, R18 ... )
Col J = Customer names

Data starts from row2 down (assumed)

Put in say, K2:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(TRIM(J2),Sheet3!B:B,0)),"No such
"Check ID","OK")))

Copy K2 down as many rows as you have customer names in col J

Col K will extract the customers' age from col C of Sheet3
for the customers listed in col J (Sheet1),
check these against the corresponding rating in col G (Sheet1)
and return either "Check ID" or "OK"

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