VLookup & HLookup



I have three seperate spreadsheets which have some common information
(employee name, chaeck number and check date) all other information on
these spreadsheets is different. I need to combine all three
spreadsheets into one. For example, Employee A, Check #, Check Date,
Net Pay, Gross Pay, Deductions (multiple), Taxes (multiple). Is this
possible by combining a VLookup and an HLookup? And if so can someone
give me some pointers as to how to go about doing this? Also, if there
is a better way to do this can someone please tell me where to start.



Dave O

It can be done, probably with a VLOOKUP by itself, if each of the three
sprdshts have a common identifier for each row of data. That might be
the employee name, or SSN, or employee number, something like that.

Can you post a sample (no actual info, please) of each of the three
sheets? That will help folks here with a solution.


Sample Data:

Spreadsheet 1
Check # Check Dt Name Tot Gross Total Ded. Total Taxes Net Pay
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John 1,794.62 196.40 206.38 1,391.84

Spreadsheet 2
Check # Check Dt Name Plan Typ Deductn Cd Ded Class Curr Dedn
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Life BASLIF Before-Tax 1.15
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Medical GRBOSN Before-Tax 51.68
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Retirement Plans ORPAET Before-Tax 143.57
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Retirement Plans TRSL01 Before-Tax 0.00
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Life BASLIF Nontaxable Benefit 1.15
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Medical GRBOSN Nontaxable Benefit 155.04
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Retirement Plans ORPAET Nontaxable
Benefit 285.34
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Retirement Plans TRSL01 Nontaxable
Benefit 0.00

Spreadsheet 3
Check # Check Dt Name Tax Class St Curr Tax
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John FICA Med Hospital Ins / EE $U 25.26
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Withholding $U 147.04
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John FICA Med Hospital Ins / ER $U 25.26
123456 2005-09-16 Doe, John Withholding LA 34.08

Thanks for your help!

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