Vlookup help required



the lookup I am using is:

I am using the lookup in a large series of consecutive rows and columns
and within the table array there are empty cells. I need the lookup to
return the value of all cells but when it arrives at a blank cell I
need it to return a blank cell. Currently when it arrives at a blank
cell it returns the date 00-Jan-00.

can anyone help?

Thanks in advance!!


try this
does it help you


We could use an IF error trap:


but it comes at a cost of increased calc load & slower performance,
especially if there's lots of such formulas in the sheet/book

Another (possibly better?) option is simply to switch off the display of
zeros* in the sheet, via clicking Tools > Options > View tab > Uncheck "Zero
values" > OK

*"00-Jan-00" is simply a zero, if cell is formatted as date (dd-mmm-yy)


Problem solved.

This was the statement that solved the problem:

Delivery Plan'!A9,Physical!$C$5:$AN$194,26,FALSE)

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