VLOOKUP Function using multiple worksheets



Received advise previously on this (thanks). However, I
need to look up entries in another separate worksheet and
it won't work. I'm using:

=VLOOKUP('Entry 1 - New Clients'!A2,'Entry 1 - New
Clients'!A2:O20,2,FALSE). It returns the persons name
(great) but I need to transfer across other details too.

Basically I'm summarising one worksheet onto a specified
format in another. In addition, I somehow want it to only
show me those clients in 'Entry 1 - New Clients' if the
corresponding column (N) has the entry of "Active".

Is this possible??

Bob Phillips

Yes, just re-use the formula in another cell with a different column index

=VLOOKUP('Entry 1 - New Clients'!A2,'Entry 1 - New Clients'!A2:O20,3,FALSE).

note the ,3 not ,2



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