Vlookup accross multiple worksheets




I am having problems with a vlookup

I need to find an estimate number from workbook 1 in workbook 2 and then in
an empty cell in workbook 1 bring up the selling price of the estimate that
was located in workbook 2.

Where an exact match of the estimate number can be located I get the correct
result. Where the estimate number can not be found it puts in the selling
price from the closest matched estimate.

The estimates are a combination of letters and numbers eg I123212A. Could
this be come of the problem?

If I put in the parameter False I get no results, just a list of N/A.

All I want is the correct selling price where it finds an exact match and
either a blank cell or N/A where no exact match can be found.

What am I doing wrong?



There is no reason why this should not work. Please post the formula you are
You say, near the beginning of your post, that if an exact match cannot be
found to use the nearest. Later on, though, you say to put NA if no exact
match is found. Which do you want?



Sorry if I have confused you.

I meant that when I use the vlookup formula in the cells where I would
expect a N/A, it is currently putting in a figure that appears to be from the
closest estimate number that it can find. I want it to leave these cells
(ones where no exact match is found) either blank or stating N/A

This is the formula: =VLOOKUP(A6,'[Estimates Oct-Dec 05.xls]Sept
Thanks for your advice in advance.
Excel Crazy

Andy said:

There is no reason why this should not work. Please post the formula you are
You say, near the beginning of your post, that if an exact match cannot be
found to use the nearest. Later on, though, you say to put NA if no exact
match is found. Which do you want?


L. Howard Kittle

Hi Crazy,

Try this. Itdoes have the 4th argument which you said did not work for
whatever reason. First make sure the values are actually identical, no
leading or trailing spaces and such.

If that doesn't get you there, I would look at a sample of your workbook to
see if I fix it.

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A6,'[Estimates Oct-Dec
05.xls]Sept05'!$A$3:$Q$690,8,0)),""(VLOOKUP(A6,'[Estimates Oct-Dec



Excelcrazy said:
Sorry if I have confused you.

I meant that when I use the vlookup formula in the cells where I would
expect a N/A, it is currently putting in a figure that appears to be from
closest estimate number that it can find. I want it to leave these cells
(ones where no exact match is found) either blank or stating N/A

This is the formula: =VLOOKUP(A6,'[Estimates Oct-Dec 05.xls]Sept

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