Visual Studio .NET Loads with 'Crysastal Reports Tools Package' failed to load


Adam Saunders

I have seen two Knowledgebase article on this subject, the
most realted being 823245, and neither of them apply to my
situation. We do not use mandatory profiles here, and the
protected storage service was up and running fine on all
tested machines.

We use HP evo D510 workstations for some of our visual
studio developers and when loading Visual Studio .NET I
got 3 errors, the other two were VsRptDesigner package
failed to load and ACT Project Package Failed to load.

The particular user need to use some crystal plugins and
cannot because they will not install or load. HP only
gave me info about the 2 knowledgebase articles and
suggested I contact Microsoft.

Thank you,

Vagabond Software

Are your developers trying to use the stock Crystal Reports tools that come
with Visual Studio or have they purchased and installed the Crystal Reports
from Crystal Decisions?

- carl


The stock crystal reports tool is what they were trying to
use, but when they cotnacted me stating that the
application had issues with that plugin, I dug up the
errors I got during install and looked them up. No fixes
applied, as stated previously. That tool is still non-
functional. I installed on 2 other machines, including my
test box(all machines of same variety) and came up with
the same problem. The exact same tools would not load

Now they have the full crystal reports 8.5 developer, but
it does not allow them to do the same things they could do
with the working plugin for Visual Studio. I am currently
at a dead end(I've reinstalled numerous times @ 1 hour+
each time).

Thank you for your assistance.



They were trying to use the .NET crystal plugin but it
doesnt work(because the packages won't load properly) and
they since have also purchased crystal reports developer
8. This still does not replace the crystal plugin for VS
according to the developer.

Vagabond Software

On one of the systems with Visual Studio installed, search for the file

Also, are they running the .NET Framework 1.1 or 1.0... or have they
recently upgraded their development systems to the 1.1 framework without
upgrading to Visual Studio .NET 2003?

- carl


alguno encontro alguna solucion estoy usando vs2010 y tengo el mismo problema al leer el toolbar de crystal reports se reinicia el IDE

El miércoles, 7 de abril de 2004 08:24:56 UTC-6, Adam Saunders escribió:

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