visual basic message telling me to enable macros



Each time I change the value of a cell in excel, a visual basic window opens telling me "The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation on how to enable macros"

I dont use any macros in any of my excel workbooks. No macros are listed in the tools/macros menu. The message occurs in all 3 of the macro security settings. This only started happening 2 weeks ago. First it happened only upon starting excel. Now it happens whenever I enter data. Uninstalling and reinstalling Office 2000 doesnt help.

Dave Peterson

It sounds like you have code under that worksheet (or under thisWorkbook).

Excel has events that programs can tap into. Changes to the worksheet is one of

Rightclick on the worksheet tab and select view code and see if you find

Debra Dalgleish has some pretty pictures showing this stuff at:

(It also includes tips on how to get rid of them--but be careful. Maybe you're
relying on them without knowing about them.)

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