visual basic conditional formatting produces strange results



Hi, I'm trying to put together a piece of code that will generate conditional
formatting for cells in a worksheet. The formatting should alter the colour
of the cell based on values held in a range of cells beneath. In order for
the user to be able to add/delete rows in this range, R1C1 style won't work
as it doesn't give me relative references. Here's the code I've put together
as a test, but rather than generate formula for column A for the cells
immediately below the one formatting is to be applied to, it uses cell ranges
from other parts of the spreadsheet that I don't reference. Can anyone help

Sub ColumnNo()

sectionrow = 2
colval = 1
rowval = 7
col_letter = "A"

Do Until sectionrow > 20

With Workbooks("create master board").Sheets("sheet3").Cells(sectionrow,

first_spread = sectionrow + 1

.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=and(countblank(" & col_letter & first_spread & ":" &
col_letter & rowval & ")=0,countif(" _
& col_letter & first_spread & ":" & col_letter & rowval & ","">""& " &
col_letter & sectionrow & ")=0)"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 35

End With

sectionrow = rowval + 1
rowval = sectionrow + 5

End Sub

Bob Phillips

Try this

Sub ColumnNo()

sectionrow = 2
colval = 1
rowval = 7
col_letter = "A"

Do Until sectionrow > 20

With Workbooks("create master board").Sheets("sheet3").Cells(sectionrow,

Cells(sectionrow, colval).Select
first_spread = sectionrow + 1

.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=and(countblank(" & col_letter & first_spread & ":" &
col_letter & rowval & ")=0,countif(" _
& col_letter & first_spread & ":" & col_letter & rowval & ","">""& " &
col_letter & sectionrow & ")=0)"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 35

End With

sectionrow = rowval + 1
rowval = sectionrow + 5

End Sub



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

Yeah, it was using the activecell to offset the formula you created.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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