Vista Restarts from Errors



Can someone help me? I have maintained all updates Microsoft offers, but since my last update, my computer restarts itself.
When I log back in, it says Vista encountered an error and to check for available updates. There are none.

This is extremely irritating.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not very Vista savvy.


Laura said:
Can someone help me? I have maintained all updates Microsoft offers, but
since my last update, my computer restarts itself. When I log back in, it
says Vista encountered an error and to check for available updates. There
are none.

This is extremely irritating.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not very Vista savvy.

There are a few things you can do. Since you can pinpoint the error to a
Windows Update, either uninstall the Updates or do a System Restore to
before you did the Updates. Then only install the Updates one at a time
until you find the culprit. Then you can act accordingly or post back with
the information about which one it is for help from the newsgroup.

Another thing to do is to stop the automatic restarting. This is a good
thing to do in general even if you aren't having problems because it makes
troubleshooting easier and more precise when problems arise. See below for

Stop the automatic restarting so you can get a Stop Error (blue screen).
Once you get the Stop Error, you can research it at the link below. Looking
at the information at the link will also show you what details of the Stop
Error to include in a newsgroup post if you need more help with it.

Start Orb>Control Panel

Or Start Orb>Search box>type: System
Click on System that appears in the list of results.

In Control Panel Vista-style - click on System and Maintenance.
In Control Panel Classic View - double-click the System applet.

In the task pane on the left, click the Advanced system settings link.
Locate the Startup and Recovery area and click on the Settings button.

In the Startup and Recovery window, locate and uncheck the check box next to
Automatically restart. OK your way out. - Stop Errors


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