Vista Glazz



Has anyone used Vista Glazz? I downloaded it on two separate occasions and
it tells me the patch has been applied but I see no difference in the black
shading on the task bar on the right side of the screen with the gadgets. Am
I doing something wrong or does this Vista Tweak not work?


Has anyone used Vista Glazz? I downloaded it on two separate occasions and
it tells me the patch has been applied but I see no difference in the
black shading on the task bar on the right side of the screen with the
gadgets. Am I doing something wrong or does this Vista Tweak not work?

Ask the authors of the tweak.


They say the black shading should be gone if the patch is applied. If the
patch isn't applied and one tries to use Glazz, it switches to Classic
View, so the patch must be working - but I can see no difference in the
black shading.


I use Vista Glazz, and works fine. You need to apply patch and color scheme
in 2nd step.
Good luck

Yvo van Beek

Hi, I'm one of the creators of VistaGlazz. Our application has two options:

1. Patch the system, to allow custom styles
2. Patch the Aero style to enable transparency in a maximized state.

Unfortunatly all the second option does is enable transparency on the Titlebar and Taskbar. But feel free to use any custom style which includes SideBar styles. VistaGlazz has patched your system, so any custom style can be applied. AeroXP and WinMatrix are useful sites for more information. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice


Thank you for your reply. The task bar on the right was what I was trying to
make transparent - I was hoping to get rid of the black shading in Aero. I
will try some other styles for variation.

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