Vista Disc Defragmenter

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bascom King
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Bascom King

I have a new HP laptop with Vista Home Premium on it. My question is how do
you know that the disc defragmenter is finished? so far, after letting it
run for a long time, the control window looks like it did when the
degragmentation action was started with no indication that it is done
defragmenting. Am I missing something here? Is there some mode of this
program that shows the progress of the operation?

Bascom King
It is best to just let it go automatically. It does a great job, and does it
in the background. There is no GUI progress that shows what is going on, but
if you really want to find out when it stops, and the stats, you can use the
command line or a third party defrag utility (I use DiskTrix Ultimate
Defrag, which is great!).
I have a new HP laptop with Vista Home Premium on it.  My question is how do
you know that the disc defragmenter is finished?  so far, after letting it
run for a long time, the control window looks like it did when the
degragmentation action was started with no indication that it is done
defragmenting.  Am I missing something here?  Is there some mode of this
program that shows the progress of the operation?

Bascom King

While defragmenting with Vista Ultimate I see a small spinning circle
with the words "defragmenting hard disks..." nearby.

When finished, the circle acquires a green check mark and stops
spinning. The nearby words change to "scheduled defragmentation is
enabled" .

All of the above are in a window with the name "Disk Defragmenter" at
the upper left corner.
You are totally right about what you are saying.. here are 2 free disk
degragmenters that work with vista
and have visual feedback (the thing XP had but removed it ! and then they
call vista an upgrade lol)

They have nice graphs and you can select which drive you want to defrag
(another thing that XP had and now vista does not....
oh vista is a degrade of XP)
Vista defrag is meant to run in the background and be a no-nonsense program
that did automatic maintenance. Consumers asked for it. You can get the
defrag stats if you want (command line), but it doesn't do it "better" with
the pretty graphics. Just let it automatically do it's job and keep your
hard drive defragmented. If you want more options for a more customized
defrag (applications/games on one part, and storage on another), then go
with a third party program.
I know all about vista kido....and how the defrag is intended to work.. but
it doesnt work in all cases..

for example if you have a drive that you keep downloading things, then it
NEVER gets a chance to defrag it all,
and it keeps on going and going..
without visual feedback you dont know whats going on.. without a way to
select which drive you want again there is a problem, because you might want
the defrag to run automatically for C but not D,
and as drives get bigger and bigger and downloads get faster and faster
there is no way the windows defrag as it is to be enough..

I thought Vista was meant to be an OS for now and several years in the
future, not an OS made for litte grannies that have
10 files.

and no dont tell me about the command line.. if I wanted to use that I would
switch to linux as my main OS and
use the terminal window all the time

The best Defrag I have seen is PerfectDisk 2008

I think you areVISTA FANBOY material.. !!!
Yes, I am a Vista Fanboy. And I admit it. I love Vista. I do admit it does
have it's flaws, but I prefer Vista over XP or anything else. I also use
Windows Server 2008 & Ubuntu Linux (server and workstation).

And I prefer Disktrix Ultimate Defrag for my defrag program. Vista defrag
works great for the mainstream user.
Oooohh. They have nice graphics???? Your kidding me right??
Now I KNOW your an idiot with Self Inflicted Windows Disease.
I am a geek and I am still seeing annoyances with vista..

like the sound mixer that is very strange and you cant really handle it very

especially if you want to record audio from your own pc ..

do you have anything to propose about using a decent mixer on Vista?

Perhaps a work around?
I have an idea for you. Move out of your moms basement and start interacting
with people other than family members and your cats And no, it's not *right*
to kiss your sister that way, no matter what mom told you.
And why should I listen to you over my mom? Besides, it's legal in Arkansas!
:D And I interact with other people. Let's see... Mailman, pizza delivery
guy, Catholic Priest. :) Oops!

I use computers for my job, and I have them as a hobby. So, I am around them
a lot. But, I get out often enough. I have to in order to keep it fun and
I wasn't replying to you. Look at the thread again. But I'm glad you and
your sister get along so well.
Dustin said:
And I prefer Disktrix Ultimate Defrag for my defrag program. Vista
defrag works great for the mainstream user.

By "mainstream user" I assume you are referring to the hapless 90% of
MS-zombies who do not even know what a defragger is? The fact that you
use an auxilliary (real) defragger should tell you something about the
status of the Vista defragger.

As an aside - the Vista defragger does not work for laptops, which are
not always on, and where any "defrag schedule" is rendered meaningless.
I just like more customization of options. Vista defrag does the job well,
but I want to make sure certain files are where I want them.

And pretty much any defragger on laptops will suffer the same problem when
Oooohh. They have nice graphics???? Your kidding me right??
Now I KNOW your an idiot with Self Inflicted Windows Disease.

Ahh you are sooo right mr smart e-pants

Lets remove all the graphic interface from everything then.. no need for
visual feedback.. not even letters ala dos style who needs those, right?..

Heck lets make the whole platform managable by audio alone! But even that
may be an overkill for a "genius" like you!

Better yet lets make everything by smell... for example when you log in a
horrible STENCH will come out of the computer,
the compter will greet you with your personal emulated stink!
From: "barracuda" <[email protected]>

| Yeah, I use Diskeeper pro with both my new Vista Home premium as well as
| Vista Business machines. It handles all the defrag duties without any
| fuss and gives a lot of information, control and features. Far superior
| to the built in windows defragger.
| --
| barracuda

Which has NOTHING to do with this thread's subject matter.
Jake said:
I have an idea for you. Move out of your moms basement and start
interacting with people other than family members and your cats And no,
it's not *right* to kiss your sister that way, no matter what mom told


I resemble that remark. My mom has always made me live in the basement.
What's wrong with that? I don't play with cats because I don't have any but
there are plenty of rats around. I don't play with them because I don't want
them to get dirty before I eat them. I am from Appalachia and I find nothing
wrong with kissing my sister that way. Of course, sometimes, here in
Appalachia, the girls are so ugly we must marry outside of the family.

The biggest problems I have are maneuvering around the refrigerator on
the front porch and trying to get the cinder blocks from under the 1939
Dodge in the front yard.

Oh well, I need to warsh some clothes now so I must go. Have a nice
