Windows Vista Vista BSOD


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have just had my first BSOD in Vista, which so far, I've been getting-on with quite well - learning the differences (from XP) as I go along. Anyway, I was downloading a file fron HP (the HP All-in-One will work on Vista's own drivers, but not without the "bells and whistles".......which is why we bought it in the first place.)

The download is a ten-hour-plus jobbie, (on this dial-up) so I installed "Fresh Download" download manager (which I've used on the XP PCs for a couple of years, successfully.) Maybe Vista doesn't like it... here is the "Problem Signature" (I clicked on the "look for solutions" button, but Microsoft apparently doesn't have any.)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000008e
BCP1: C000008E
BCP2: 004A6CCB
BCP3: 87641D80
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

Does that make any sense to anyone please? Thank you for looking :)
Sorry to hear you are the first in the World to ... err, OK, first on PCR then to register a 'fault' with Vista. :D

That error is a driver/program problem. :thumb:

I think you knew that ... not sure if it is one or the other, but, Event Viewer will tell you. Don't be surprised at the seeming complexity of EV ... it can give you, and MS, a lot of useful info.

Click the start button, type in Event Viewer in the search bar ... it will appear at the top of the list, click on to run, say continue to the obligatory pop-up box ;) and wait for it to finish loading.

Expand both Critical and Error using the + button ... see attachment below ... and tell me what caused the problem. :thumb:

If the info is too daunting for you, uninstall or rollback the drivers and or uninstall the download manager.



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    event viewer.webp
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Wow Mucks - the Event Viewer in Vista is somewhat different to XP isn't it ... I mean the various views and options.... it doesn't help that my head is a tad "dodgy" this evening, so I hope I've chosen the correct bit to paste here. If not, please accept apologies and I shall attempt to get it right tomorrow :o

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="EventLog" />
<EventID Qualifiers="32768">6008</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-05-27T18:09:49.000Z" />
<Security />
- <EventData>
<Data />
<Data />
<Data />
<Data />

Actually, I have found rather a lot of Errors in there - but I have only had the one BSOD so far... aren't I the lucky one ;)
Thank you for looking. :)
Sorry TC, that was not what I, or you, was looking for ... the data entry's are empty. :D

The "general view" sould have given the info needed in English ... as an example, here is one of mine.

The application (Kaspersky Internet Security Suite or Anti-Virus, from vendor ) was hard-blocked and raised the following: Kaspersky Internet Security Suite or Anti-Virus is incompatible with this version of Windows. For more information, contact <VENDOR>.
That was just in general view ...

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-ApplicationExperienceInfrastructure" Guid="{5ec13d8e-4b3f-422e-a7e7-3121a1d90c7a}" />







<TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-03-06T16:42:35.300Z" />


<Correlation />

<Execution ProcessID="2720" ThreadID="2928" />



<Security UserID="S-1-5-21-825287012-283085409-1999994226-1000" />


- <EventData>
<Data Name="DBType">15</Data>

<Data Name="AppNameCount">48</Data>

<Data Name="AppName">Kaspersky Internet Security Suite or Anti-Virus</Data>

<Data Name="VendorNameCount">0</Data>

<Data Name="VendorName" />

<Data Name="SummaryCount">134</Data>

<Data Name="Summary">Kaspersky Internet Security Suite or Anti-Virus is incompatible with this version of Windows. For more information, contact <VENDOR>.</Data>

<Data Name="SessionID">1</Data>


as you can see, the summary is the same.

Oh, and it was 'fixed' with an update. ;)

Miorning Mucks - oh dear, sorry about that :rolleyes: being a wallie again :o

I've just looked back at yesterday's critical or red-coloured System Events, and see that they were all:


IRQARB: ACPI BIOS does not contain an IRQ for the device in PCI slot 13, function 0. Please contact your system vendor for technical assistance.

Exactly the same message as above, went on to report Slots 13, 11, 10, 14 and 15 (in that order)

This is a PS to the above really - but I've been investigating a bit more, and have found a "Warning" which turned out to be from Windows Defender - this was just prior to the shut-down. I can see that WD was "worried" about my "Fresh Download" programme, which of course, it didn't approve of. There is quite a lot of chatter for that one, but ............ how does one "Save" it for pasting in here please?

I can see the "Copy" option beneath "Actions" but whenever I do that, it doesn't seem to copy the gubbins of the problem, only the title of it.... it's obviously me going wrong somewhere, but haven't been able to fathom it yet. Think I need some elevensies ;)
Naw, that's not the cause of the BSOD ... I got a few of them "errors" but have never caused any 'problems' so far. :D

If you have another look at my first attachment, you will see I have had quite a few notices. I ain't worried over any of them.

I was annoyed with KIS's initial error, as it was supposed to be "compatible" out of the box, but was quickly fixed with the initial update for KIS.

Event Viewer is a 'monster' that can give too much information ... I been "playin" with it since day one. :D

There are three panes/windows and the one on the right can give you more info on any selected item. Can't find a decent 'How To' on its use yet.

I forgot you were on dial-up, my thoughts on download manager cannot be repeated here, but I still think the cause was the new drivers from HP ... ;)

The big problem for Vista is their use of these "badges" that the likes of HP can use ... the ONLY one that I will look for is ... "Certified for Windows Vista" ... you can keep all the rest and throw 'em in the bin.

Drivers are a bug just waiting to happen ... then people blame MS ... shame. present company exempted.

Out of interest, what are the "bells-n-whistles" that a 10hour download were gonna fix ? Tell me again what All-in-one you have.

I would love to go through your PC and have a look at the setup ... does device mangaler show any yellow thingies ? again, using the search bar on the start button is the easy way to find any program in Vista, just type device, and DM should be top of the list.

Taffycat said:
This is a PS to the above really - but I've been investigating a bit more, and have found a "Warning" which turned out to be from Windows Defender - this was just prior to the shut-down. I can see that WD was "worried" about my "Fresh Download" programme, which of course, it didn't approve of. There is quite a lot of chatter for that one, but ............ how does one "Save" it for pasting in here please?

I can see the "Copy" option beneath "Actions" but whenever I do that, it doesn't seem to copy the gubbins of the problem, only the title of it.... it's obviously me going wrong somewhere, but haven't been able to fathom it yet. Think I need some elevensies ;)
We is cross posting, give me your phone number. I promis I won't talk dirty.:lol:

The idea of EV is two fold, or three, one is to help MS when you send back feed-back info, did you signup for that? the other is administrators can 'see' what is happening to all PCs on a network ... and, we get a better English version of what may need fixing ... however, we ain't trained in its use.

I say again to look in the right-hand pane ... it seems to be the 'control' panel ... another, easy way to 'copy' something is to use the keyboard short cut ... highlight the text, there sometimes is no right-click copy, so use CRTL + C keys. ;)

The description for Event ID 1 from source BOINC cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event: BOINC error: 183

Another instance of BOINC is running
... just like that. :D

I'll join you for that cuppa ... ;)
Now that you mention it Mucks, that ACPI error always appears on both the XP PCs (I often took a look at their Event Viewers too.) Neither of those PCs ever came to a hiccup over it either.

Regarding the HP software - I still haven't managed to download it - it really is too impractical on the current dial-up arrangement. The only reason I wanted to employ the download manager, was because it would resume from where it left off, should there be a break in communications. Otherwise, it's annoying to be just a half-hour short of completion and then lose the lot due to a cut-off :(
The download manager will have to go, because I don't want to cause Vista to behave like a nun who's accidentally wandered into a pole-dancing club :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, Vista is using its own drivers to run the printer, because it wasn't having any of the HP-supplied software.

The printer is the 2575 All-in-One - which prints, scans, copies, has its own card-readers (for cameras, etc.) It also came with some software for carrying out these various tasks smoothly - photo management, a Solution Centre. The most useful of all, that I have now "lost" was the ink indicator. I do quite a bit of colour printing, so it was an advantage to know what the ink levels were looking like.

Yes, these are things that I can live without, but to be honest, I feel a bit annoyed with HP, because on their website, they are raving about Vista and even show my particular printer in a photo ad. They know about the problems installing their software, which is why they have now produced the new software - but here again, they say that if you cannot download it, you can "order a disc." Huh! I tried to find an ordering link all afternoon yesterday, without success, so I e-mailed them.

The reply really miffed me, in a nutshell, the woman said that she understood that I wanted to "buy" a disk (silly moo - am I really going to pay for something I could have dounloaded for free...? Other than post and packing, that is.) She went on to say that HP didn't actually have any such discs :eek: but why didn't I ask "a close friend or relative with broadband," to download it for me... grrr, why should I need to, if they'd got their advice right in the first instance. Sorry, I know it's not her fault ... that's why I didn't reply immediately - thought I should cool down first, as there is no point in being rude.

Regarding "Device Mangler" :lol: I love that... yes, there are some yellow warnings - some of them seem to be Windows Defender complaining about the aforementioned Download Manager.

And yes, I too wish that you could look at the setup here Mucks, because there are some wires and connectors "left over" in the box (that was never a good sign when maintaining a car engine :lol: ) Also, I am not entirely certain about why some of the USB ports should look different to the others, i.e., some are ordinary-looking whilst the others are a very "business-like" black.... I remember seeing somewhere that these were for "high powered" thingies, or something like that....? I have been pouring over so many diagrams, books and so forth, that my wee brain-cell is spinning :lol:

I had that BOINC message too Mucks - however I have set it to run as XP and it appears to be ok.

Ooh just spotted your second Post lol, I was answering this from my notification e-mail of your previous one. Yes I shall PM you my number, thank you - awww, not even a bit of heavy breathing...? :lol:

ouch, yellow thingies ... :confused:

We need to sort them first ... please post, or a pic, of what is yellow. :thumb:

Yellow thingies as requested Mucks :thumb:

Do you want the others? Or does this give you a "flavour" of the kind of thing that is happening :)


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Naw, ignore them, they are just info that WD is issuing about changes, you ran the programs to start with, didn't you. ;)

Pics of the yellow thingies in Device Mangler was what I was on about ... :thumb:

most of the other "info" stuff you can ignore, it's a bit like UAC popin up asking you do you want that program to run, especially if you just clicked for it too run ... however, you don't want UAC to popup when you ain't doing anything. :D


Your mobile is off by the way ...
I have just checked through Device Mangler, and it was all clear of yellow warnings, apart from just one, which is telling me that a USB device hasn't been removed (but it has - it was my Flash Drive, I always go through the "safely remove" procedure and usually plug it into one of the front USBs)

Here is the pic: :D


  • Device Manager Warning.webp
    Device Manager Warning.webp
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You do know I hate USB ... :D

OK, you did NOT read this here from me, but, I don't use "Safely Remove Hardware" :eek: ... I just pull the USB device out ... I found that, every time I did use SRH I had to restart my PC to get 'control' back. :nod:

USB came out in 95-ish, one day, maybe, it will 'work' as advertised. :lol:

Bottom line, reboot the PC and it should, all be normal again. :thumb:

Okey-dokey :thumb: At least all the other bits and bobs appear to be happy, so I'm running a happy ship :lol: