Vista Beta Product Key



I installed RC1 without entering my product code. I have now found the
product code but can't see how to enter it and access the vista sites. I've
tried to use the burned ISO disk to reinstall Vista but it won't do it. I've
tried to find a way to uninstall vista and revert back to XP but can't find
how to do that either....PLEASE HELP!!


Control Panel\System and Maintenance\System
If you go to the bottom, you'll find a Windows Activation area, I haven't
tried to install without entering my key but there is an option to insert the
Key after install, and my money is on that place.


so u can't run on vista now?? or what exactly is the problem? also what
happens when u try to re=install vista? and if XP back... just insert the XP
disc , restart .. and format your hard drive and do a clean Xp install.......

Hope that helped

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