Vista and Extending Desktop



Anyone know why windows will not keep the extended desktop setting. I
want my desktop extended to the left but everytime I restart or it goes into
the screen saver it defaults back to the right. Please Help



* Mark:
Anyone know why windows will not keep the extended desktop setting. I
want my desktop extended to the left but everytime I restart or it goes into
the screen saver it defaults back to the right. Please Help


Have a look at this thread;

Particularly this post;
I too was having the same problem with my laptop and an external monitor. Whenever I logged in,
my display settings would get all get reset.

I tried disabling the Windows event log as suggested and that corrected the monitor issue, but
had some other unintended consequences. By disabling the event log, the Windows Task Scheduler
also becomes disabled, thus any applications dependent on the Task Scheduler won't run.

After further research I found the root cause of the dual monitor problem. There is a task in
the task scheduler called TMM (Microsoft Transient Multi-Monitor Manager). I disabled this
task, and all seems to work fine now.

Do not disable the Event Log, but try going into Task Scheduler and
disabling TMM (Microsoft Transient Multi-Monitor Manager).
That seems to have worked for me, too.

This has been just another very annoying Vista bug.



Well, I tried the tmm in the reg it works on reboot but not on locked
systems. Cant find the task. Its not running



Copy/paste "taskschd.msc" into the search bar, hit enter.

Task Scheduler Library>Microsoft>Windows>MobilePC>TMM

Right-click TMM and select Disable. Reboot. It should not be
running after rebooting, and hopefully this works for you, too.

Please, post back.


* Mark:

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