Visible Timer



Many times, I use PowerPoint for classroom presentations and wrokshop
activities. I would like to be able to design a slide with a visible timer
on it. For example, you give a group 10 minutes to discuss a topic or answer
some questions in small groups. It would be great if people could see how
much time they have left on a countdown timer on the slide.


I tried the PPT Tools but still can't figure out how to add a visible 10
minute countdown timer on slides for vocabulary learning in the classroom.
How can I do that?

Charlie Crino

Steve Rindsberg

Charlie Crino said:
I tried the PPT Tools but still can't figure out how to add a visible 10
minute countdown timer on slides for vocabulary learning in the classroom.
How can I do that?

PPTools doesn't figure into this, other than that the logo and a link to it is
at the top of the page pointed to by the link below.

Read the other stuff on the page and follow THOSE links to find clocks, 'kay?


I found the clocks. The issue is still the same though. How to run a PPT
presentation and have a clock counting down by seconds to zero. Having the
clocks is great but the real issue is not solved.


Steve Rindsberg

Charlie Crino said:
I found the clocks. The issue is still the same though. How to run a PPT
presentation and have a clock counting down by seconds to zero. Having the
clocks is great but the real issue is not solved.

Several of the solutions linked to will do this.
The one on Geetesh Bajaj's site is perhaps the simplest to set up.

Have you tried any of the links?

If so, what problems have you encountered?


The timers are not able to be PART of the presentation itself. I am trying to
find one that will either work as an add-in with PPT or at least stay on top.
Where is the website of the easy one you mentioned?


Steve Rindsberg

The timers are not able to be PART of the presentation itself. I am trying to
find one that will either work as an add-in with PPT or at least stay on top.
Where is the website of the easy one you mentioned?

There's a link to it on the original page on the PPTFAQ you were referred to.

Some of the solutions referred to from there are add-ins, some are not.

It's up to you to try them out and see which best meets your needs.

Steve Rindsberg

OK I FOUND SOMETHING. There is exactly what we have been looking for. A
programable Count down timer. It costs $19.99 as a download from

And a free 30-day trial so you can test it out. Looks quite useful.

Thanks for posting back about this. I've added it to the timers page on the FAQ.

Ute Simon

And a free 30-day trial so you can test it out. Looks quite useful.

Can it be inserted into a PowerPoint slide? As far as I can judge from the
website, it's a standalone solution.

Kind regards,


It doesn't have to be inserted because it has an "always on top" feature,
which means that it appears on top on whatever is on the screen, be it a
Powerpoint slide, a web site or anything at all. It is extremely easy to
understand, use or store in the system tray until ready for use.


Steve Rindsberg

Can it be inserted into a PowerPoint slide? As far as I can judge from the
website, it's a standalone solution.

Yes, but that's what Charlie was after, I think.

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