Visible property not working



I'm trying to have a label appear right after the button is clicked then
disappear after the process is finished.

Here's the code:

Private Sub btnCreateTable_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnCreateTable_Click

Dim stDocName, strSQL As String

' Display test so they know the process has started

Working.Visible = True

' Remove the data already in the table

strSQL = "DELETE ProductsUsedByWorkstation.* FROM

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError + dbSeeChanges

' Append the unique Asset names to the table based on the date range
' If no dates specified, run for all data

strSQL = "INSERT INTO ProductsUsedByWorkstation ( AssetName ) SELECT
DISTINCT DailyDatawithProductandVersion.AssetName FROM
DailyDatawithProductandVersion "

If [BeginDate] > 0 Then

strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((DailyDatawithProductandVersion.RunDate)
Between #" & [BeginDate] & "# And #" & [EndDate] & "#));"

End If

CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError + dbSeeChanges

' Hide "Working" text and display "Completed" text

Working.Visible = False
Completed.Visible = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnCreateTable_Click

End Sub


The label 'Working' does not appear but the 'Completed' label does.


George Nicholson

Depending on how quickly your queries execute, its likely that the screen
simply never has a chance to update while the label is visible and your code
is running. You can try to force it.

Try either issuing a DoEvents or a refresh/repaint (Me.Refresh) command
after Working.Visible = True.


Dirk Goldgar

George Nicholson said:
Depending on how quickly your queries execute, its likely that the
screen simply never has a chance to update while the label is visible
and your code is running. You can try to force it.

Try either issuing a DoEvents or a refresh/repaint (Me.Refresh)
command after Working.Visible = True.

Me.Refresh would probably be a bad idea, as it would force the saving of
a dirty record. Repaint might work, but I think your idea of using the
DoEvents statement is best.

Working.Visible = True

' ... do stuff ...

Working.Visible = False
DoEvents ' this one may not be necessary

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