Visible/invisible control in a repeating detail?



Access 2002

I have a form whose detail section repeats. Within that detail section, I
haev a text-box control that I'd like to make visible (or not) based on the
data in that specific record.

For example, the detail repeats 10 times. One of the controls is a
combo-box. When the user selects a certain value in that combo box, a
"comment" text-box appears ONLY FOR THAT RECORD. Currently, I'm using the on
current event, and it's only turning them ALL on or off (in all instances of
the detail). I really want JUST individual instances of the detail to allow
the control to be visible or invisible.

Can that even be done? If so, how might I accomplish that?



I don't think it can be done with your the control of the Form
is being re-used...

Each repeating detail element is a record in a table or query output....yes?

Based upon the selected value of the combobox you would need to vba/macro:
close the Form then requery with that criteria eliminating the row that you
don't want seen with the Form reopening therefore without that row. pretty
crude...but might do the job...

Otherwise redesign so that unique controls are on the Form that then can be
individually made visible or not....


Yeah, that's kinda what I thought. No problem. I'll do it some other way.

Thanks for your input.

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