Virus detected in msinfo.exe - What does it do and is it a legitimate part of Windows98?


Heather Bernstein

What is Trojan.Bootconf ?

What is Trojan.Startpage?

What is W32/Cardown.A?

I have a virus warning for the file: C:\windows\system\msinfo.exe

Question 1.
Is this file (msinfo.exe) a part of Win98?
-meaning do I have to replace it?

Question 2.
How do I replace this individual file
without having to reinstall Windows 98 completely?

Question 3.
When scanning with Norton I get warning that I am infected with
Trojan.Bootconf and Trojan.Startpage.

When scanning with F-Prot for DOS I only get the message
that I am infetced with W32/Cardown.A

Are they all the same virus?

Question 4.
How serious is this (I have been reading everything at Norton)
should I renew my whole system (reeinstall the complete Win98)
or is it enough to take the measures described by Norton?



Heather Bernstein said:
What is Trojan.Bootconf ?

What is Trojan.Startpage?

What is W32/Cardown.A?

I have a virus warning for the file: C:\windows\system\msinfo.exe

Question 1.
Is this file (msinfo.exe) a part of Win98?
-meaning do I have to replace it?

Question 2.
How do I replace this individual file
without having to reinstall Windows 98 completely?

Question 3.
When scanning with Norton I get warning that I am infected with
Trojan.Bootconf and Trojan.Startpage.

When scanning with F-Prot for DOS I only get the message
that I am infetced with W32/Cardown.A

Are they all the same virus?

Question 4.
How serious is this (I have been reading everything at Norton)
should I renew my whole system (reeinstall the complete Win98)
or is it enough to take the measures described by Norton?


Who is giving you this information except F-prot and which OS?

Earl F. Parrish

Heather Bernstein said:
What is Trojan.Bootconf ?

What is Trojan.Startpage?

What is W32/Cardown.A?

I have a virus warning for the file: C:\windows\system\msinfo.exe

Question 1.
Is this file (msinfo.exe) a part of Win98?
-meaning do I have to replace it?

Question 2.
How do I replace this individual file
without having to reinstall Windows 98 completely?

Question 3.
When scanning with Norton I get warning that I am infected with
Trojan.Bootconf and Trojan.Startpage.

When scanning with F-Prot for DOS I only get the message
that I am infetced with W32/Cardown.A

Are they all the same virus?

Question 4.
How serious is this (I have been reading everything at Norton)
should I renew my whole system (reeinstall the complete Win98)
or is it enough to take the measures described by Norton?


The authentic Windows file is called MSINFO32.EXE. Many Trojan
files have similar names to legitimate files to discourage you from
deleting them. A prime example is IEXPLORER.EXE masquerading as the

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