Virtual Memory Question


Dot Nettie

I received a message in a popup from Windows telling me that my "virtual
memory minimum was too low" and that Windows was going to fix it...okay

My question is what causes such messages? Coincidentally, today I had a
failed IE7 installation, probably related to anti-spy/anti-malware software.
I followed the Winodws instructions for failed installs, rebooted the PC,
looked at the troubleshooting screen and went no further. I just couldn't do
it to myself anymore today. I have Norton GoBack and put my system back to
before I tried to tackle IE7.

I have a couple of hard drives, but my "C" is an 80GB with only about 20 GB
used. I have 1 GB ram. I looked at the size of VM page file that it changed
to. It was something like 1128; the next time I looked, it was 768. I don't
get it.

Also coincidentally, I was playing a crpg and the game is a bit too much for
my rig and I got an error message when it CTD'd that had to do with memory.
That program is on a separate hard drive that is 65% used.

What could cause VMem to become too low. I just want to keep my system
stable and want to avoid such problems. Is there a fix or a diagnostic tool
that can help identify the cause? Thanks.



set it manually for 2 min and 1128 max.

the manual setting will keep it from making
its own decision....


On the Virtual Memory window, click on Custom size.
In both the Initial size and Maximum size boxes put 3000. ( 3 * your 1g RAM.)
Restart your computer.

To get to the Virtual Memory window:
R-click My Computer and select Properties.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click the Settings button under Performance.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click the Change button near the bottom.

Paul Shafer, MCDST

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