Viewstate of Dynamically Generated Table Rowss ??



With an ASP page you can add a webform textbox and button (ie not HTML ones)
an cause something to be appended to the textbox everytime the button is
presssed because the textbox Enableviewstate property is true (??)

I have created a webform table and have modified code from MSDN (Jan)
library such that when a button is pressed, rows are appended. I have
programmatically enabled viewstate for the cells and the row added. The
problem is that each time the button is pressed the previusly added rows are
lost; ie no viewstate.

<For the dynamic table code search in MSDN library for TableRow class and
take the Overview. Note that this code has the script in the HTML section
interacting with a HTML table. With little effort it can be co-opted to
interact with a webform table placed in an ASPX code behind page>

Any ideas ?? Thx
David Jones
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
RMIT University
+61 3 99255318

Karl Seguin

You need to recreate table rows and cells..So when the button is clicked
once, you add the row/cells. When it's clicked a 2nd time, you add the
initial row/cell and then the new row/cell....and so on. Typically you keep
track of how many times the button is clicked by keeping a value in the

You can use denis bauer's DynamicPlaceHolder
free) but the site has been done for a couple days (it's always up and



Thanks for that.
On reading elsewhere I had a fely that was the case.

What a bummer though.
It means that you have maintain the state (content) of those added controls

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