Viewing the current record after requery a form




I'm trying to get code or setting on the current record view.
Each time when I update a record (rec A) into my form, I need to run a
Requery before I continue to the Date field. But after the Requery runs, the
redord has goes to the first record 9rec B) of the form and I need to search
for the record (rec A) to continue my data updating.

Are there anyway to view the current record after I requery the form?

Thank you.



Use the form's After Update event. In this example, the field [PrimeKey] is
the primary key of the table. and txtPrimeKey is the control on the form that
is bound to [PrimeKey]

Dim lngKeyValue as Long

lngLeyValue = Me.txtPrimeKey

With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[PrimeKey] = " & lngKeyValue
If Not .NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With

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