viewing all open application in IE 6.0 or window xp.



Hi all,
How can I view all open application on a monitor, like SPACE in Mac. My
friend uses Internet exporer 6.0 and he can view all open application in his
monitor with one click and he has window XP. Thanks

Alan Edwards

I don't see the connection with IE6 but why not ask your friend?
I assume he has a shortcut for Ctrl+Alt+Delete or to some 3rd party


PA Bear [MS MVP]

[OP has multiposted his question to WinXP General and hasn't bothered to
reply to that thread either, Alan.]

Alan Edwards

So I noticed. I wasn't holding my breath.

[OP has multiposted his question to WinXP General and hasn't bothered to
reply to that thread either, Alan.]

Alan said:
I don't see the connection with IE6 but why not ask your friend?
I assume he has a shortcut for Ctrl+Alt+Delete or to some 3rd party


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