SONIA or any other GURU:


Crunch time, I need to burn CDs by Wednesday.

I am using PPT 2000 at work and finishing at home using

I have developed a multimedia interactive presentation
saved as a PPS file running in kiosk mode using the new
2003 viewer and will be distributed as an autorun CD.

I can hyperlink to a PDF file.
1) It gives me a virus warning. I have set the macro
warning to none. How do I get rid of the virus warning?
2) The PDF files are in the same directory as the
presentation. Will the link be relative? (meaning, will it
still work once I burn it to a CD?)


John Langhans [MSFT]

Hi Doug,

Regarding the virus warning.

You cannot get rid of this warning as long as you are linking to something
other than a *.PPT/*.PPS file.

If the *.PDF files don't have to be "live" then you can just include
snapshot images of the pdf's and insert them into your slides instead of
hyperlinking to the *.pdf files.

John Langhans

Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

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When I run the presentation with Powerpoint (not the
viewer), I do not get a warning. I used to get a warning,
but not after I set Macro Security to None.

It seems that the viewer does not recognise the Macro
Security setting.

Geetesh Bajaj

The macro security setting is not presentation specific - rather
application/machine specific.

John Langhans [MSFT]

| It seems that the viewer does not recognise the Macro
| Security setting.


The macro security setting is specific to the PowerPoint application on
your system. It is not something that is attached to the presentation in
any way (a file specific setting).

The PowerPoint viewer does not have any such application setting and does
not recognize any application specific settings for PowerPoint (it only
recognized file specific settings saved within presentation files)

John Langhans

Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at


In addition to what others have offered:

The PDF file will be linked as pathless IF it was in the same directory at
the time the link was created.


Thank You, John - that explanation helps my
understanding, it doesn't fix the problem, but I
understand why I get the warning.

My suggestion to Microsoft is that the viewer needs a
Macro Security Warning setting like PPT or some way to
declare that certain programs (Adobe Reader, etc.) are OK
to run.


It is a little distressing to finally have a viewer...;
to have created an 85MB multimedia interactive kiosk
presentation of 600MB of data whose effect and
effectiveness are interfered with by unnecessary warning
messages. Also, it would be helpful if the execution
speed of the viewer was equal to Powerpoint itself.


John Langhans [MSFT]

Hi Doug,

If you (or anyone else reading this message) feel strongly that the
PowerPoint Viewer should have this kind of feature (ability to disable
virus warning), don't forget to send your feedback to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also why it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

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