Viewable image problem in Compaq 17" flat panel



Hi All:
I hope some one can shed some light on this problem because I've tried
everything I can think of. I've posted at Compaq/HP (maker of the computer)
many times before coming here to no avail.

I recently set up an out of the box computer for a freind who was in the
hospital for a long time (over a year), installed registered everything and
of course updated all antiviral/firewall/MS updates, AdAware SE and Spybot.
Running XP Home SP2. Because of the long delay on registering, Compaq
support is useless. warranty has run out.

The viewable image on this computer is off center. On the desktop all the
left most icons are chopped off, when you open any program or web page it's
the same way, you can't see the first 3 letters to the left of the screen on
any word or option or sentence (web pages only). For instance in MS Word
you can only see the "e" in the "file" option, and it's really hard to read
web pages when the first 3 letters are missing on every page and line.

Like I said it's a flat panel Compaq Presario FS7550 monitor, if you need
more info let me know. The viewable image is completely against the left
side of the screen and the vi on the right has at least a 1" black blank
space. PC serial #:

Does anyone have any ideas, I've combed and contacted Compaq's Website and
no mention or help for anything like this is mentioned. I realize this is
probably a compaq problem but we're out of luck there. This is driving him



Ross Durie

17" flat panel should be running at 1280 x 1024. Adjust display properties
accordingly. Given you appear to see only one window and haven't tried
moving the window on the desktop then my guess is you have the resolution
set at 800 x 600.

Post results.


Ross Durie said:
17" flat panel should be running at 1280 x 1024. Adjust display properties
accordingly. Given you appear to see only one window and haven't tried
moving the window on the desktop then my guess is you have the resolution
set at 800 x 600.

Post results.

Ross: Yes, I have it set at 800x600. If I change it to 1280x1024
everything is unreadable (GUI's, Windows, Icon's) also with this resolution
set and I open IE only half of the desktop displays the page, so the right
half of the screen is white and blank. I also set text size to compensate,
but when online I only have half of the screen displayed.



Kelly said:
Hi Pam,

Did you try moving the monitor gliders? If so, what is the screen
resolution set to via GUI?

Happy New Year,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Kelly: Could you please explain how to move the monitor gliders, I have no
idea how. The above post explains the monitor resolution and the problem
with the highest setting.


Ross Durie

FS7550 is a CRT monitor which is NOT a flat panel. Flat panels are LCD

Ideal resolution is 1024 x 768 as 17" CRT visible size is only 16". The
first thing to do is experiment with different refresh rates
(Display/Settings Tab/Advanced/Monitor Tab). My guess is that it should be
able to cope with refresh rates at over 85 Hz at 1024 x 768. Maybe even 100
Hz at 800 x 600. Depending on the refresh rate the display may be off
center - this is NORMAL.

Find the highest refresh rate at a given resolution then adjust the controls
on the MONITOR to center the display. There should be 4 buttons on the front
of the monitor.

Post results.


Ross: Thanks for the info, you're correct about it being a CRT. I'll
experiment and let you know. Since the screen isn't concaved I guess I just
assumed it to be flat.

Thanks again,


Ross: I set the resolution to what you recommended 85 Hz at 1024 x 768 and
that solved the initial problem with the chopped off text. I also used the
buttons on the front panel of the monitor to center to the best view, the
only thing I'm worried about is the owner has pretty low vision and I'm
afraid he might have trouble recognizing all the tool bar options/start menu
items/ favorites list/and taskbar items at the image/text size they are now
at. So I went back and tried 85 Hz at 800x600 and that seems to be the best
for readability without losing the leftmost text in web pages/program menus
etc. What I can't figure out is that this is what I thought I initially had
it set at when I was having all the trouble. In any case your advice has
"solved" the problem and the viewable image looks centered to me when it
wasn't (at all) before.

Thanks so much,


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