View workbook

  • Thread starter Auto save and sharing a document
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Auto save and sharing a document

I have 5 remote users, all using workbooks running VB. I therefore cannot
set them as shared.
Through the day I need access to there progress ( as recorded on the
worksheets) in real time - A bit like big brother
The work books are to be saved locally (to me) (networked)
Any ideas would be most appreciated


As a suggestion you could try linking to the workbook(s) using Formula.
Something like following may give you something to work with:

Sub GetData()
Dim ViewData As String
'data location & range to view
ViewData = "='C:\[WhatBook.xls]Sheet1'!$B$2:F12" '<< change as required

'link to worksheet
'change sheet name & range as required
Worksheets("MySheet").Range("B2:F12").Formula = ViewData

End Sub

Above should work even if target workbook is closed.

Hope helpful

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