View only one record on a form



What I'm trying to accomplish:

1) The user enters say, 10 fields into a form. The user then saves their
progress and exits.

2) Another user then opens up that same record (based on an order number)
with those 10 fields on a new form. The new form also contains 5 new fields
that this user must fill in.

Q: Without using a query, how do I prompt the user of form number 2 upon
form load for the order number and then display this and only this record on
the form for the user to edit, update and add?


It sounds like a weird design but you could display a form to collect the
order number, the user then presses a command button called 'get record'
which then opens form 2 with a record source filtered to just that one record.


Al Camp

You didn't indicate what your key field is, so I'll use CustID as an
example of a unique value for each record.
If I understand correctly, try a combo box (ex. Name = cboCustID) on the
form with a listing of all legitimate CustIDs, and let the 2nd user select
from that.
On the afterupdate event of the combo, use that value to do a

Private Sub cboFindConference_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.GoToControl "CustID"
DoCmd.FindRecord cboCustID
End Sub


Great, thanks for your help, both of you. Can the same thing be accomplished
with a text box instead of a combo box?

Basically what I'm trying to accomplish here is to have one user create the
job with basic info using a form (the first user strictly setup data) and
then have the user that actually performs the job be able to open a form,
type in the job # and then add their notes and necessary info.

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