View my Inbox.......



In my Outlook 2003 Inbox I am able to view the name of the Mail sender. I
want the Mail sender's Mail Id instead of His Display name


I will receive Not less than 100 Mails A day. I would like to find out from
which domain i am getting more mails or correspondence day to day basis.
Here i am segregating my received mails Datewise and I want to keep in touch
with them regulary. Here, to findout the quarry, I will select all mails
inthat folder and copy mails, from there i am opening in MS Excel 2003 and
pasting as a Text. There I am getting a table showing Sender's Name,
Subject, Received, etc. in columns.

Here I have the mail sender's display name.

In a particular domain if u take, more userwill available. So It is not
possible to find, from which domain i am getting more mails.

Ok, Let us assume I got the mail ids instead of desplay name.

Then, I can copy the mail ids and i can split the content into text to
column. After that selecting the table i can difine a pivote table.

If it happens my problem will be solved. And I am the most productive.

Please help me out,

Thanks & Regards,

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

You could do sutff with rules to help you sort and arrange by domain.

Sender's address contains .au then put in Category of Australia. Show the
Category column in the Inbox.

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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