There's an easier way in Word 2002
Tools/options/all commands. Cursor down and click on "web".
Cursor to right hand column and click on "Address" hold mouse button down and move up to a toolbar at the top of the Word window. Drop it where you want the full address. If you need it longer, while "Options" box is open, click on extreme right border of the address box and move it to the right. Close the options box. Word now always shows the full path of the active document.
----- Greg Maxey wrote: -----
You can do this with macros. First you need an AutoOpen() macro that
contains the following code:
Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
End Sub
When you open an existing document the Full Name and Path will display in
the titel bar. If you SaveAs an new file, the new path will not dispaly
until you close and reopen the file. There is a way around this using
another macro that replace the normal SaveAs command:
Sub FileSaveAs()
System.Cursor = wdCursorNormal
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
End Sub
Need help with installing macros? See: