video settings cause missing Windows Update buttons



WinXP pro Sp1 on a Dell Inspiron 8500. The default screen
size on this laptop is 1680x1050. The 1680x1050 setting
causes the DPI setting to be bumped up to 120DPI.
(Display properties/Settings/Advanced).

With the DPI set to 120DPI - the confirmation windows in
Windows Update (Accept/Don't Accept/Print) are not visible
or selectable.
With the DPI set to 96DPI, the confirmation windows on
Windows Update are visible and selectable - but the text
is a bit small and the customer may not find it useable.

(The only mention I found on this was that it was a
problem with Accessibility options - which weren't in use -
and this is using Times New Roman).

Since the "microsoft windows update - web page dialog"
window has problems with video settings - why can't it be
changed to a scrollable window for those that want 120DPI
AND the ability to get the Recommended and Driver updates
from WinUp? (This system will be set to download all the
critical updates on its own).


to any kind Mod or admin of this newsgroup:

please pass my request on to Windows tech support and
then NUKE my email address from my previous message to
keep it from being publicly available.

This forum is being mined for email addresses and
they're sending out w32.Sven.a@mm worms to the email
addresses they find. In the past 3 days, I've received
more than 10 copies of the worm.

I wasn't aware that when I posted my previous message
that my email address would be publically available.

And please hide the email addresses from public view..
so asking for help from M$ doesn't sign you up for every
worm that reads the internet temp files and every form of
spam known to mankind?


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