Video display drops color quality during bootup



Running XP Home on a 1.2GHZ Athlon with .75GB SDRAM and Nvidea 5700 graphics.
On bootup screen looks ok until about half of tray icons load and then
screen goes black and reappears with 8 bit color (1024x768). I suspect XP is
damaged. Tried reinstalling driver for card. SAme. Used to work fine. Any



Michael Dawson

I would try a windows repair. If that fails, and if you have a spare
laptop HDD laying around, install windows on another HDD on that machine
just to make sure the monitor isnt malunctioning. As far as i know, it
might be possible for the monitor to malfunction for a certain video
mode? maybe the video card and monitor arent sync'ing properly?



I resolved the problem about 15 min. after posting. It was due to one of 5
programs launching during startup - don't know which one, just removed all
unnescesary programs from automatically starting and all works ok.

Thanks anyway,


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