Video card DDR question



I have a 4yr old system. My video card has gone. I won't go into details
about how I know but i'm 98% sure thats whats causing my problems. I want
to replace it but I've only been able to find DDR memory cards available.
My Current card is a Voodoo 3 4xagp 16meg card. My question is will a
modern card such as a radeon 9200 64meg ddr run on my system or do I need to
hunt down an older card ??



I have a 4yr old system. My video card has gone. I won't go into details
about how I know but i'm 98% sure thats whats causing my problems. I want
to replace it but I've only been able to find DDR memory cards available.
My Current card is a Voodoo 3 4xagp 16meg card. My question is will a
modern card such as a radeon 9200 64meg ddr run on my system or do I need to
hunt down an older card ??


If all the stars are aligned right, it will work.

What I mean is, the suggested replacement will fit in ithe slot, is
technologically backwards compatible to the AGP slot, motherboard, but
there may be other issues, like:

The Amount of power the motherboard can supply to the AGP slot.

The adequacy of the power supply to support a more power-hungry card.

The ability of ATI to produce a driver that works on your old chipset,
particularly if it's a Super Socket 7 board. If it's a Intel 440BX
chipset, the odds get better. If it's the Super 7 board you might
want to update the chipset drivers.

The odds are it'll work, but I'd buy from someplace with a good return
policy just in case.



hiphop said:
I have a 4yr old system. My video card has gone. I won't go into details
about how I know but i'm 98% sure thats whats causing my problems. I want
to replace it but I've only been able to find DDR memory cards available.
My Current card is a Voodoo 3 4xagp 16meg card. My question is will a
modern card such as a radeon 9200 64meg ddr run on my system or do I need
to hunt down an older card ??


my bios are dated 98.
the chip is a AMD k6III+3d
my psu is 250 watt.

I have no idea what the chip set is, but maybe the bios date will help ?

Do you think i'll be ok with like a radeon 9200se ? I would buy a voodoo3
but I can't seen to track one down thats still in the box!!



this might also be helpfull...

MS6261 socket7 mainboard
Aladdin V 100mhz made by Matsonic

again no info on the chip set even in the mobo manual.


my bios are dated 98.
the chip is a AMD k6III+3d
my psu is 250 watt.

I have no idea what the chip set is, but maybe the bios date will help ?

Do you think i'll be ok with like a radeon 9200se ? I would buy a voodoo3
but I can't seen to track one down thats still in the box!!


ALI Aladdin V is the chipset.
If the power supply is the same low-quality as the motherboard, it's
more likely you would have problems with either (or both) powering a
newer video card.

The Voodoo3 video card is unique in that it doesn't support all the
AGP port features, acts more like a PCI video card... this is less
reassurance that your board would work properly with a more modern AGP
video card. The Radeon 9200 "might" work, but I would think it less
likely to work on your system than most others, and considering the
low-quality and age of your system I would hesistate to spend any
amount of money more than minimum necessary to keep it running.

I would recommend getting another Voodoo3, but I wouldn't be too
concerned about whether the replacement Voodoo3 video card is
new-in-box, there probably aren't very many new ones left considering
how old they are, any old card that works you should be happy to find
at a cheap price, they should be worth $20 US at most.

Another thing to ask yourself is why the old video card died. If
there was a problem with the motherboard or power supply, it may kill
a new card too. If it were me, I'd be considering replacing the
system with something more modern, even if you don't need the
performance a cheaply built system like that will reach end-of-life
and become unreliable, and possibly damage other components.



kony said:
ALI Aladdin V is the chipset.
If the power supply is the same low-quality as the motherboard, it's
more likely you would have problems with either (or both) powering a
newer video card.

The Voodoo3 video card is unique in that it doesn't support all the
AGP port features, acts more like a PCI video card... this is less
reassurance that your board would work properly with a more modern AGP
video card. The Radeon 9200 "might" work, but I would think it less
likely to work on your system than most others, and considering the
low-quality and age of your system I would hesistate to spend any
amount of money more than minimum necessary to keep it running.

I would recommend getting another Voodoo3, but I wouldn't be too
concerned about whether the replacement Voodoo3 video card is
new-in-box, there probably aren't very many new ones left considering
how old they are, any old card that works you should be happy to find
at a cheap price, they should be worth $20 US at most.

Another thing to ask yourself is why the old video card died. If
there was a problem with the motherboard or power supply, it may kill
a new card too. If it were me, I'd be considering replacing the
system with something more modern, even if you don't need the
performance a cheaply built system like that will reach end-of-life
and become unreliable, and possibly damage other components.

Gotta agree with Dave on this one. If money is tight at the moment then get
a reasonable (prefereably nForce2) socket A board and get one of the new
Durons. Compared with your current system you'll have grunt to spare and the
ablility to upgrade to a Barton or similar at a later date. Soltek make a
reasonable and quite cheap board with GeForce 4MX graphics built-in (I've
used a few for builds) that would run rings around you older system *and*
leave you room to expand to a seperate AGP card as money (and demand)

You'll likely get a reasonable chunk of change for your AMD k6III+ if you
sell it to put towards the new set up.


I want to update and I could move most of what I already own over and
probably get a new pc running for under 300 bucks, but money is tight right
now. I would love to get another 6months out of my current old system and
then get something nicer come next spring. As for why the video card died
it probably has something to do with being a hard core computer user these
past few years. My system runs 24/7 and has had its share if interesting
crashes, the main one being when the psu failed and screwed everything up.
I'm guessing that the card is just going and almost gone as nothing else has
shown any signs of failing. There are no signs that the current psu is
posing any problems but maybe a new antect 300 watt psu and a 20 vid card
would give new life into an old system.

Thanks for all of the info. I've attempted to line up an old agp card to
borrow so hopefully this is my problem and i'll know soon enough.


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