video background with text on top



Its not possible natively within PowerPoint. There are a couple of options
1. You can use the Text Box control over the video. It would stay on top of
the video. For this, turn on the VBA controls toolbar by selecting "View" |
"Toolbars" | "Control Toolbox". Use the "Text Box" control from this
2. Look at my free TransparentShow addin from - it can make certain color on the
slide as transparent to enable you to see the things behind the slide show.
Using this, you can start the video within Windows Media Player and have the
slide show running over it using TransparentShow.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple shows simultaneously

Glen Millar


In addition, you can use text over movement incorporated into an animated
gif, although quality can be poor. Also, only works for PowerPoint 2000


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
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John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for


PowerPoint does not have the capability natively to display anything in
front of a playing movie (movies will always plays in front regardless of
their z-order position in the slide when edited).

If you (or anyone else reading this message) feel strongly that some kind
feature for allowing other slide contents to be displayed in front of
playing movies, don't forget to send your feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS,
please) to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of
suggestions).d be a single suggestion (not a list of suggestions).

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

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