Very strange issue with single form



I've been using Access since v2 and I've never run into anything like this...

I have a form I've been working with and until the other day, had no issues.
I edited the form, saved it, and went to test it... nothing. Will not open in
any view. There was no error, just double clicked on it with no result. Now
I've seen forms return an Access crash and I go back in, delete the form,
import it in from a backup, and it's fine again. With this one, it's a not as

I have imported back in the good one. Made some changes, saved several
times, reopen OK, save once again, then again, nothing. Sometimes I get no
response at all, sometimes I will get an Access crash, other time the "There
isn't enough memory...." error.

I have tried creating a new DB, importing all the objects in and again, same
result. I have even recreated a blank form, brought all the fields and
controls in, with the end result again the same. Finally, I recreated the
form from SCRATCH adding each and every field and control brand new. Again,
the eventual result is a useless form. I have even created a new DB and
imported only the working form, and two tables, both empty to assure it is
not a data issue, and eventually, same result.

I even save multiple copies of the same form... i.e. frmForm1, frmForm2,
frmForm3. The crazy thing is that of the three saves, one may be fine and the
other two no good, or two may work with one causing a crash. There is no
logical path I can find to solve this problem!

I have tried everything I know and cannot get away from this one stupid form
and the results described above. I have no other issues with any of the other
many forms in the DB....only this ONE. I have also tried using a totally
different computer with the same results.

I'd appreciate any help, suggestions, or information anyone can provide.

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

It could very well be that your "good form" is corrupt but not enough to
show the corruption. I would delete the form, compact the database and then
check the tables that form used for corrupt records.

Once you do all that, make a backup copy. Then open the database with the
decompile switch from the run command line. Hopefully that will clean
everything up for you.


Thanks for the reply, Bill. I've pretty much done that by taking the good
form, the one that was made from scratch, saved before the first failure, and
brought it into a blank database with empty tables. It was only the two empty
tables and the single form. I actually posted it in the UtterAcess forum for
members there to look at and play with. So far, they are stumpted too. It's
really bizarre becauase I've always been able to quicly fix such problems.
How can a totally clean form in a totally clean DB do this. And, it can be
saved or replicated to 5 individual copies, and one of the five would fail.
Crazy! I guess I would need someone who could literally look at what's behind
the form to see if there is something going on, or, if I have some
combination of fields and controls on the form that might be manifesting an
actual bug. Who knows. Thanks again. Hopefully someone willhave another idea.

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