Very peculiar problem with GetHostByAddress on W98



I don't suppose anyone will be able to help with this, it's most odd. I use
IPHostEntry hostInfo = GetHostByAddress(ipAddress)
to resolve an IP address to a name (in this case it is actually the local
computer, if that's relevant). The call is made on several occasions as the
program runs, the first two times it works fine, then, for no reason, instead
of the name it returns the IP address in hostInfo.HostName. This program has
been working fine for months, and suddenly started doing this, but only on
W98. Al wild guesses as to the cause would be gratefully received

Tom Spink

Dave said:
I don't suppose anyone will be able to help with this, it's most odd. I
use IPHostEntry hostInfo = GetHostByAddress(ipAddress)
to resolve an IP address to a name (in this case it is actually the local
computer, if that's relevant). The call is made on several occasions as
the program runs, the first two times it works fine, then, for no reason,
instead of the name it returns the IP address in hostInfo.HostName. This
program has been working fine for months, and suddenly started doing this,
but only on W98. Al wild guesses as to the cause would be gratefully

Hi Dave,

Do you have a DNS server on your network? Do you use DHCP?

Perhaps your DHCP server has stopped assigning the address of your DNS
server to your interface card.

-- Tom Spink


No I don't have a DNS server, although I do have DHCP as supplied by a
Netgear router. Also, the problem mysteriously disappeared again this
morning, and then came back on one of my two 98 PCs, and has now disappeared
again. The software is the same in all cases. I can only assume it's some odd
bug in W98, but we need to find a cure or a work around. Any suggestions

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