VeriSign Seal not Displaying in Production - 2nd post



I've read the posts here and VeriSign's KB articles, which pertain to the
seal not displaying in development mode. However, the seal still won't show
up on the .aspx production page, but it does work fine on our other .htm
pages! Talk about frustrating.

Here is the script (I put it in a table cell which is outside the default
form--should it be within the form? Within the table cell I've tried putting
it inside a DIV tag, and that didn't work, so I took out the DIV tags):

Here is how it is rendered when viewed, including the table info:
<table style="Z-INDEX: 104; LEFT: 4px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 492px"
cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="150" border="0" height="100%">
<tr height="100%">
<td height="100%" width="150" valign="top" align="center">

Some things to consider: 1) the original script did not include quotation
marks around the url, but the VB.Net designer (HTML View) automatically puts
these quotation marks in;
2) the original script followed each parameter with an "&", but this is
converted to "&amp;"
3) Do I need to designate a language inside the script--<script
language=javascript, vbscript, etc.)?
4) In production, a scripting error occurs that says "End of line expected,
line 3", and when I debug this, it falls on the beginning of the 3rd line in
the certificate that starts with "aff=":

What can I do to make this work in our .aspx page? As I mentioned, this
works in our donation pages that are non-.aspx pages.

Thank you in advance,


I solved my own problem! I have VBScript just above the VeriSign script, so
all I needed to do was designate the language as JavaScript for the VeriSign
script (<script language=Javascript src=...>). It works fine now.

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