Verify protection status within a macro



I have a sheet that is kept protected unless it is time for data entry. I
would like to run a macro that checks for protection status, unprotect if
needed, then sorts, then returns the sheet to the protection status (i.e. if
not protected, leave unprotected, if protected, reprotect).


Dave Peterson


Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim WasProtected as Boolean

wasprotected = WksIsProtected(Worksheets("sheet1"))

if wasprotected = true then
'unprotect the sheet
end if

'do your sort

if wasprotected = true then
'reprotect the sheet
end if

End Sub
Function WksIsProtected(wks As Worksheet) As Boolean

If wks.ProtectContents = True _
Or wks.ProtectDrawingObjects = True _
Or wks.ProtectScenarios = True Then
WksIsProtected = True
WksIsProtected = False
End If

End Function

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