Verify if the email has a certificate attached




I am developing a app using C#, VSTO and Office 2003. I have a
requirement where I need to verify if the email is encrypted or not -
meaning it has a certificate attached or not. I dont even need to know
the details of the cert or the validity - just if an email is
encrypted or not.

Is there a way to get to achieve this through the Outlook Object Model
or is there any other API i need to know of

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Look at the MessageClass of the email. A signed email would have something
like "IPM.Note.SMIME.MultipartSigned", or some variant of "IPM.Note.Secure".
Look for MessageClass's like that.



Very sorry for the late reply. But the problem is that i need to
capture(inspect) this info when the "Sent Button" of the email is
clicked and not when i get an encrypted email.

Sorry for the not clarifying this earlier in my original message....

the above suggestion doesnt hold true then right?


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I don't think it does but I almost never play with signed emails. As I
recall they are signed after sending and after you receive any events.

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